A Procrastinator’s Tale: T-Minus 15 Hours to Departure

Man, setting up this blog took way longer than I had anticipated. But hey, I find my timing (see timestamp) of this first blog post to be incredibly fitting considering how this entire study abroad process has evolved for me…

Please allow me to explain: anyone who knows me well knows that I am a chronic procrastinator. Naturally, this unfortunate habit expanded to my study abroad decision-process. It didn’t help my cause that I was on the fence to begin with about studying abroad (especially for an entire semester!) and that I love over-analyzing all the details of any major decision into the ground.

Getting back to my point—After I was enlightened to the affordability of the University Study in Norway programs (sponsored by the U of M’s Learning Abroad Center) through one of my good friends and after a third and final change of major, I re-evaluated the feasibility of study abroad. I was shocked to discover that I could make it happen and still graduate in a 4-year timeframe. I spent the next few months trying to decide if I should even bother applying…

Finally, after significant deliberation, I decided to apply, recognizing that there was still a very likely chance that study abroad wouldn’t happen. However, I was also finally feeling engaged, comfortable, and satisfied with my college life, which I viewed from a perspective of having a great fallback if I decided against going. Thus, I wasn’t completely worried about anything falling through.

I submitted my application the day that it was due, having started it the night before in true Tim-Schwarz-Master-Procrastinator form. One of my former professors came through in a moment’s notice–thank you Dennis, you’re the best!–and wrote me a letter of recommendation to complete my application file. I was accepted into the program shortly thereafter and had to apply directly to the University of Oslo (UiO) in order to be admitted. This task was due about a month later. I was so excited and horrified to have an entire month to deliberate.

After driving my friends, family, and self insane for pretty much that entire month, I finally made a decision at the last minute to jump into the unknown by studying in Norway! I applied to UiO with hours to spare and was admitted. (By the way, huge thank-you’s to my incredible family and friends who countered my indecisiveness, insane speculation, and all-around craziness with insightful advice about study abroad–you know who you are. I am truly blessed to have y’all in my life, and I really mean that.)

My excitement has been building ever since I finally sucked it up and made my decision on November 1st. The day has arrived to leave the United States (for my first time) to travel to my new home for the next 5-ish months: Oslo, Norway! While I will miss my truly wonderful family, friends, and University of Minnesota greatly during my time abroad, I am super excited to immerse myself in the cultural, educational, and natural systems of Norway. I am also very excited to travel throughout Europe to gain cultural perspective and to see what the diverse European continent has to offer. I aim to return from Norway as an informed global citizen, and I want to be able to use this knowledge/perspective to increase my impact on protecting and improving the environment as a young environmental professional.

My bags are packed and I am ready to go! The excitement is currently beating out my nerves, so that seems like an ideal place to stop for the night–er, morning. Thanks for making it this far, haha. I’ll be posting at least once per week, so be sure to check back soon or to subscribe for future updates.